Grace and Peace United Methodist Church for Lease
451 Kennett, Pontiac MI 48340
Grace and Peace United Methodist Church is available for lease on a shared basis with the owner (451 Kennett, Pontiac). The tenant would be able to start their services at 11:30 AM on Sunday in the Sanctuary and have a mid week service. The building is also available for weddings, funeral services, engagement parties and social events.
Lease Price $1,900 per month including utilities for the Sanctuary (11:30 Sunday start time)
$1,200 per month including utilities for the Chapel (can start at 10 AM on Sunday)
$1,200 per month including utilities for the Gym (can start at 10 AM on Sunday)
The church is approx. 20,000 square feet in size with a parking lot for 76 cars.
250 persons (75 ft by 43 ft) plus overflow seating. The choir stand seats 15.
The chapel (31 ft by 18 ft) is located on the main floor. A tenant could start their Sunday services at 10 AM in the chapel. The tenant could also have up to two classrooms for their services.
The gym (36 ft by 24 ft) is located in the lower level. A tenant could start their Sunday services at 10 AM in the gym. The tenant could also have up to two classrooms for their services. There is no handicap access to the gym. The gym is perfect for half court basketball games.
Handicap Access
The building is on a two floors with an elevator. Each floor has its own zero grade (i.e. no steps) access from the exterior.
The kitchen has 3 sinks, with two stoves (10 burners) and refrigerator/freezer. The overall size is 19 ft by 25 ft and is adjacent to the fellowship hall (connected by a serving window). The tenant can have a cabinet in the kitchen for storing their coffee and paper products.
Fellowship Hall
The fellowship hall is approx. 61 ft by 42 ft and is adjacent to the kitchen.
There are 6 classrooms in the building.
Parking Lot
76 parking spaces
Heating & Cooling
The building has a boiler for warm water heat. The sanctuary has air conditioning.